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Location :: Solutions/Sectors/travel

Sectors Intro
Call Centres

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Putting voice to work in today's tough travel and transport market

Given the recent turbulence in the travel and transport market place there is even more need than ever to ensure that when a customer contacts a company they are satisfied with the service they receive. This is particularly important when many of the calls are for bookings and directly impact the companys revenues.

Therefore looking at effective and efficient ways to manage the significant inbound calling traffic is essential for most businesses, the Vocalis voice driven solution can deliver this. Voice driven solutions are market proven and none are more proven than Vocalis, which has been at the forefront of voice driven solutions for over 10 years.

We can show how Vocalis voice driven solutions can:

  • Increase sales orders
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Meet demanding ROI benchmarks
  • Deliver to timescales and budgets
  • Provide competitive advantage tailored to the travel sector

The voice driven future of Travel and Transport
Vocalis uses a "best of breed" model to related technologies and a modular approach to building the complete solution tailored to your requirements. Some example modules that may be appropriate to your business are shown below, but if you have an issue in your call centre regarding your customer interaction then please call us on +44 (0) 1223 846177 to discuss your requirements.

Case Study Page
The Case Studies demonstrate how we've put the power of the voice to work in contact centre markets that depend on building strong customer relationships to maintain or build their reputation.

To find out more read the case studies

Experience a call centre solution demonstration now:

(Requires an MP3 player)

Call us to find out the difference we can make to your company on:
+44 1223 846177

Download our Call Centre Brochure now.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Location :: Solutions/Sectors/travel